In Love With Art? Why Not Make A Gallery Wall In Your Home – MessHall

Are you running out of space for your precious art? You can’t seem to find an area to properly expose your arty belonging? Think no more – hang them! You would be surprised what kind of creative and artistic ideas you can do with your wall. Walls in your house can be used in various ways in order to enliven and open up the ambients. If you are still wondering how to do that or how is that even possible, here are a few fantastic ideas on how to make a gallery wall in your home.

  • Postcard layout

If you have been traveling to numerous countries and places, you might have brought marvelous souvenirs and sent postcards back to yourself. Don’t put the postcards away in some dusty drawers, but rather place them on a wall. It would be great to line all the postcards that you send, and those which you have received, on the gallery wall. You can even arrange them according to years, cities, and places. It would be great to see all your cherished travels on the wall.

  • Washable blackboard

Here is an old-time-favorite classical idea. Get a classical blackboard which can be found in any hardware store or at a school stationery shop, and hang it either in your hallway or living room. It would be fun for your friends and visitors to leave interesting messages and drawings as they come and go. Since the blackboard is washable, you can always draw or write something completely different and genuine. Moreover, it will give you the opportunity to reminisce about some fabulous party.


  • Personal touch

If you are tired of have plain old black and white frames, and placing and hanging your family photos, them here is one innovative idea. Get a quality portable room divider and place all the family photos that you care about deeply on it. You could move this unique divider anywhere around the home, so it is both useful and practical. Above all, since you can choose the divider to be in any color, it can look stunning in any room, no matter the paint of the walls.

  • Corkboard delight

No matter the paint of your wall, you can put corkboard anywhere and will blend in absolutely gorgeous with any paint. If you have old photos, memorable memos and letters, interesting notes that you want to keep, and so on, you can pin them easily on this wall. What is more, if you happen to have some artistic picture, you can also hang them there alongside all other items. Let’s not forget that you can always use it as a message board.

  • Experiment with the layout

Get different colored frames, especially get them in various sizes and thicknesses, and try out a crazy layout. Why not cover the entire wall with pictures? There are innumerable ideas, but you had better play with a few layouts in order to identify which layout is the best for your gallery wall. Lay your framed look on the floor to try out a few setups, before nailing them on the wall.

  • Inspiring story photo collage

Art doesn’t simply have to be an expansive antique clock, sometimes art can be in a form of a plain picture. If that is the case, then you can exclude the tedious frames, and place the photos or pictures in a wall collage. Create a story with different photos, or make a heart-shaped collage. Since the holidays are approaching, you can make a collage in a Christmas-tree form or make special photo Christmas frames. Take out the old Christmas photos, and make a timeline story.

  • Put up your work

Your gallery wall doesn’t only have to be about the ordered or bought art on display. If you have (in your lifetime) made or created some form of art or drawing or you want to preserve your kid’s drawing, put it up. No matter if it is a funny sketch or a doodle, you can work frame it in some vivacious and luscious frame, and voila! You can play with the frames. You can use the frames in the same color and style or mix and match them.

Even the DIY options can look beautiful in your wall gallery as long as you line it up, place it an original place or style it authentically.

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